Project: Tomsk
The Peer to Peer project team is happy to have you visiting the Tomsk Region project page! Tomsk is a nice and cozy Siberian town but not so many people know about its existence. This page reflects the places explored by the project team. Project participants selected the places motivated by the aim to make people all over the world aware of Siberia nature, traditional crafts and customs, its own distinct history, culture, food, wooden architecture and art. Reading our entries will help you understand that Tomsk is worth exploring. We hope it will be on the list of your future places to visit. The testimonials to the places of our CSU colleagues who have never been to the place before help you feel the town and its life style. We anticipate your curiosity will, on the one hand, be somewhat satisfied, but, on the other hand, even increase after reading these entries!
Tamara Petrashova & Alexandr Parnuygin